Carnegie Hall’s NYO Jazz debut album, “We’re Still Here” is now available for pre-order!

We’re all a product of circumstance

July 30 2021 

The elephant in the room is that we’re all a product of circumstance. So… everything that we know is merely due to the fact that , we arrived at a certain time in space… based on circumstances…

So… we all must… in some respect… simply be a balance of energy.  

That said…

Nothing matters other than your doing.


That doing…

Is a projection 


The balance of

All things!

A Black Man in the Arts

July 18 

As a black man in academia… specifically in arts programs… I have to admit that it’s incredibly exhausting to try to be the voice of reason in circumstances where you’re already compromised… 


I refuse to get tired! If we have any chance of having a truly UNITED states… some of us need to be the bridge that brings worlds together. In the end, the kids will be the ones crossing it! 



Our Young People.

July 13 2021 

Thinking about our young people..

I’m realizing that part of the responsibility of those of us that are older, is to help out younger folks to understand that it’s ok to emote.

Remember this…

They were just in isolation 

They’re locked into social media which affords one to project a reality vs. live it.

Many haven’t had human contact consistently outside of their immediate families. 

Their entire perception of what it means to create in real time, and with others… was paused at a moment that is crucial in their development.


Educators and anyone that works with young people..

They need to see you cry…

They need to see you express joy!

They need to know that it’s ok to be vulnerable!!

THIS is where the deeper Art lies!

When the notes aren’t enough… your rawest humanity is there to bring the seasoning of a stale life!

Let’s express with the greatest intention!!

So that the young people that are watching us can know that it’s ok to do the same!


Been thinking about “rules” a lot lately.

IMO, they do two things.

1. Create some semblance of “order” as well as broader societal expectations and consequences.

2. Show you exactly where society is regarding overall human progressive consciousness. (This is where we often find the negatives re: rules such as systematic oppression, attempts to control, and in many cases, not even include all). 

That said, these often war with one another. A rule may be in place that doesn’t speak to the overall progression of human awareness, consciousness and the acceptance of multiple “practices”.

This said, I feel that we are in danger of making literally everything “bend” to our will because we don’t like the current rules.

This is a problem! If our kids don’t learn that when rules are in place, it’s important to play by those rules or accept the consequences of not doing so. 

It’s also important to teach them the structures that afford the opportunity for those rules to evolve. 

This is exactly why I’ve dedicated a large portion of my life to change policy (rules) so that it is in line with overall human progress re: thought. 

We do not have to shun accountability for the sake of change. 

A rule is a rule until that rule is changed. 

The key is… get in a position to change the rules!

Until then, it’s all talk. 

“In order to change the rules of a game, one must master the game!”

"“I am excited to be named Chair of the Jazz Studies Program at The Peabody Conservatory.

“I am excited to be named Chair of the Jazz Studies Program at The Peabody Conservatory.

It is one of the most difficult decisions I’ve had to make in my life. It ultimately boiled down to a paraphrase of a quote from Donald Byrd that my good friend, Jerome Jennings shared with me... “Do not go where the work is being done. Go where the work needs to be done.” The Berklee College of music is the greatest institution that I’ve worked at to date and it is an incredibly difficult decision to leave an amazing faculty, staff, and student body. However, something inside my soul is telling me to go to Baltimore.

Go to the oldest and most prestigious Conservatories in the country and ensure that Jazz, America’s indigenous art form, is not only represented, but celebrated! It is my desire that Peabody realizes it’s potential to be one of the greatest curators of America’s music and that it is a beacon of light, not just in the already bright areas in Baltimore, but in those areas that need it to be a light. In my life, I have always been spirit led.

This is not a religious thing... it is a spirit thing, knowing my place on this earth and what I’m called to do. Once again, I’m answering that call and look forward to the work ahead!

My work at Peabody will be dedicated to Prof William Fielder, the first African American trumpeter in the Chicago Civic Orchestra who always reminded me to “Never be satisfied, but always gratified! Move onward and upward!”



To my teachers... thank you

Around two decades ago, I told myself that I wanted to go into education.

That I wanted to be the teacher in the classroom that not just talked the talk... but walked the walk... being the embodiment of what my students aspired to be... two decades later, I’m humbled to stand on one of the greatest stages on earth and in front of some of the greatest young minds in music. To say that I’m thankful, doesn’t quite cut it...

I thank the creator for blessing me beyond measure and entrusting me with these souls. I also thank the folks at Carnegie Hall for taking a chance on this kid from Warren, OH...

To NYOJazz... I am a better educator and man because of you!

To my teachers... thank you for inspiring me at a young age to continue your work... and to my God... get the glory out of my life...

Time to take the stage! #doyojob @nyo.usa"


Had to say this... I just "heard/saw" a teacher online basically taking credit for a former students success.


Couple thoughts on this:

1. That student would have likely been successful with or without you... you just happen to be a pit stop along that students journey.

2. Don't seek accolades or awards for stuff YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO DO!

3. Be thankful that the universe allowed you to be at the right place at the right time to help someone out.

4. Allow what you actually teach and it's outcomes to determine "successes"... not your words.

5. By claiming some and not others based on your idea of success, you devalue the relationships of those that haven't reached what you deem to be successful..

Ok... that's more than a couple... but, being on both sides... I've never heard any of my former teachers take credit for my success... nor do I take credit for any of my students! It's been a great honor and privilege to work with every last one of them and I'm truly thankful to have been lucky enough to meet them along their journey.


Tip Tuesday Tip! The Shed

Tip Tuesday Tip! The Shed

Welcome to all those that have begun college, high school or any school for that matter and welcome back to those that are returning! This Tip Tuesday Tip is for you! I want to briefly discuss what it means to shed... Most people know that this term basically began with Charlie Parker's quest to become one of the best by stealing away for several months to focus on his craft. Instead of focusing on the history of it... let's breakdown what he actually did!1. Isolation: He decided that in order to achieve greatness at a certain level, he needed to find a secluded, sacred place with no distraction. His "space"! Almost like a "cocoon", allowing his body and mind to grow without disruption.

2. Time: He was in this "space" for months! Not one random day when he felt good... not a week before Juries, not to prep for a recital or performance... but for the craft itself! And, he stayed there until a basic level of excellence was achieved! This takes TIME and he knew that.

3. Consistency: Isolation can be intimidating... you start getting "the itch"... you want to do other things... He didn't do that. He was consistent daily with strict practice coupled with intensity and discipline.

There's much more that I can say he did... but these are three of the most important points. Obviously it's somewhat unrealistic in today's world to imagine isolating yourself in a "shed" or "the bridge" like The Official Sonny Rollins Page.

However, we can take this conception on and apply it to our lives. Understand that in order to reach a certain level of excellence with your craft, you'll need to block out the world from time to time (more often than not), take countless hours of time doing it and doing it with serious consistency, dedication and discipline and NOT STOPPING until the work is done! Some would call this extreme... but, remember!

Greatness is an extreme! Everything else is either average or below. Students, you'll never have this opportunity again in your life! This is the time to get deep in the shed and create the foundation of excellence that will be the base of a great career!

Don't forget!

Consistent Practice turns into habits... those habits then turn into a lifestyle! In order to have a lifestyle that reflects excellence, you need to start in the shed!


Where it all started

Where it all started... This was a group that I was in as a youngster called "The Sounds of Victory", which was in essence a gospel horn section. From left to right: Eric Howard, Sidney Robinson, Travis Howard, myself, and our leader, David Lamon (money) Howard, who chauffeured us around all over Ohio and Western, PA to perform at various churches. If it wasn't for this group, I wouldn't be where I am today! #doyojob#tbtonafriday#swole#beginings#praisehisname#shaylaytay 




Quick random thought.

Dog's have it together.

Hung out at a dog park where there was a ton of dogs, all shapes and sizes. Then, suddenly another one was introduced to the pack... they didn't bark right away, judge or anything. They all went up to the new dog, smelled it's butt... realized the new dog was cool, then kept it moving and played as if nothing new happened, allowing the new dog in immediately. Obviously, with all we've "constructed" in human history from our moral "codes" to our reliance on money, we've forgotten the basics of humanity... we can learn from the simplicity that other animal species have.

My Trip to Haiti

This weekend, I traveled to Haiti for the first time. I didn't make it a big social media thing as I wanted the experience to be "untainted" and unclouded by the need to instagram, FB or tweet every moment that I experienced. I simply wanted to live the experience and take it in completely through the lenses of my own eyes and not a screen.

To say that my life has been changed is an understatement. The people, the music, the soul of Haiti is something that all should experience. Over the years, so many lies and untruths have been told to me about this countries culture, ranging from religion to their basic humanity, that I am reminded again that you truly have to experience something for yourself to get its truth for yourself.

Without going on a huge spiel, I have to say that we in the U.S. Have NO IDEA how fortunate we are. As I travel to certain places, I'm reminded that much of what I own/have is completely meaningless and what I think that I "need" is a frivolous "want" at best, and that I've been conditioned to believe it to be a "necessity". Haiti, thank you for reminding me yet again, as I've been reminded in other places like Caracas, São Paulo, Senegal, and yes, some places in the states and many others...that a simpler life with "less" allows more of what is real to occupy the spaces that are void in your soul.

Thank you John Bern and my new musical family in Haiti for your spirit, love and humanity!


Celebrating Dr. Lonnie Smith's 75th birthday

Great weekend with Dr. Lonnie Smith celebrating his 75th birthday! Should be a great live recording! #doyojob #jazzstandard #chocolate #groid

Happy Mother's Day

The admiration that I have for my mother goes beyond cliché. I view her as a source of power, love, forgiveness, understanding and meekness.

At times, I attempt to view her objectively... setting the fact aside that I'm lucky to be her son, I view her through the lens of a man that has succeeded, failed, been weak, strong... conquered and been defeated.

To be a man knowing that my survival is due to the many attributes held by my mother and the powerful women that have been my foundation throughout my life, is truly humbling.

To see my mother as a man viewing a woman, I'm beyond blessed that this woman is MY mom!

Mom, thanks for being the great woman you are that just so happened to birth me 39 years ago!

Happy Mothers Day!