NYO JAZZ #2021

Most people don’t know that I never had any plans to travel, tour, etc. My biggest goal in life was to be an educator that was respected enough by the artists that are the standard bearers for the music, so that my students would always know that I was a direct source for certain information. That said, I have come to certain realizations over the years (it’s been two full decades starting in August). 

Today’s realization is that every generation is simply a porthole to the next. In essence, this makes life a never ending relay race. You grab the baton and run until it’s time for you to pass it on to the next runner. 

Education is NOT for the faint of heart! The meetings, the planning, the policy decisions, … I could go on and on… never stop. But, I refuse to stop running! Why? It is the calling on my life to go through so that they can get through! 

@nyo.usa YOU all make the race worth the sweat! I look forward to passing that baton to you all in the great race that is human evolution!





Open letter to #nyojazz @nyo.usa 

As of late, I’ve been thinking a lot about cynicism… especially as it relates to my fellow human beings.

The automatic response of one expecting the worst from someone before you truly know them. And, what I mean by know them is truly feel them at their core. 

Obviously it’s impossible to get to that deeper sense of knowing with all people that you encounter. However, I do believe that there’s a deeper sense of empathy that can be tapped into… even at a fleeting encounter. 

Lately I’ve had this deep seated fear that perhaps humanity is doomed to be  siloed… meaning that our common humanity will be separated continuously by a myriad of factors designed to keep us apart. 

After the past several weeks with all of you, a new sense of hope is brewing in me.

Those of you that make up @nyo.usa jazz this year, represent a cross section of every struggle that was faced in 2020. The pandemic, the polarization, the isolation… you name it… effected you in a way that is magnified simply because you haven’t been on this earth as long as others.

However, what I experienced with #nyojazz is a high level of social intellect which, when encouraged to truly engage with one another, shined through like rays of sunlight in the darkest prison cell… bringing hope and a reminder that there is light in this world!

#nyojazz Thank you! Thank you for restoring my faith in a better human consciousness. One that does not automatically assume the worst in others… but, investigates the beautiful differences that make the variation on the human theme so profound. Thank you for facing the pain of 2020 with the healing of 2021! Thank you for hearing a deeper sound that is rooted in your connection to others to create a unified sound that is far more powerful than its individual members. 

Thank you for believing in each other.

Thank you for trusting me.

Thank you for walking in a better way.

Thank you for the vision of a brighter future for all of us!

I love you all! And as long as there is breath in my body… I’m here for you! 

You’re big brother,

Uncle Sean. 
